Meet The Team – Emma Hammill

Emma Hammill
Dental Manager

Emma started at Goyt Valley Dental Practice in March 2008 when the practice first opened, as one of the first dental nurses at the practice.

Since then, Emma has qualified in Oral Health Education, Fluoride application, Impression taking, Special Care Dental Nursing, a Level 3 NVQ in management and Level 5 NVQ in Practice Management and Leadership. 

She is also qualified in both foundation and advanced Botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, Mesotherapy, skin boosters and administering Vitamin B12.

After 19 years dental nursing Emma had an interest in moving away from the clinical side and start exploring the management side of dentistry and in 2020 Emma was promoted to Dental Operations Manager. Prior to her employment at Goyt Valley, Emma started dental nursing in 2001 and worked in dental practices locally within the High Peak.

After over 20 years’ working in the Dental sector, Emma has a great knowledge and experience.

Emma lives with her husband and children and enjoys spending time socialising with her friends and family.

Emma also enjoys taking and supporting her boys in their sporting events as well as teaching Kickboxing within the local area

If you would like information about how we can help please contact us today using one of the below or alternatively fill out our online form and someone will get back to you asap.